Mind,  Spirit

Understanding How the World Speaks to You: Building Your Internal Library

The soul’s library is the gateway through which the Universe communicates with us, a personalised archive shaped by our unique perceptions and encounters. Much like a physical library, we continually build and expand this internal repository throughout our lives. Embracing the nuances of how the world engages with us, holds the key to harmonising our actions with the divine Source, leading us toward our ultimate fulfilment.

Here are some tips to cultivate and deepen your understanding of your soul’s library:

Defining your Library

Our internal library is the channel through which the Source communicates with us. Our life experiences paint the lens through which divine messages are delivered. Recognising and interpreting these messages is crucial. 

It’s akin to intuition, a silent conversation with a friend who cannot speak directly to you. For instance, a raven’s call might urge you to observe your surroundings more keenly. Or hearing a specific name before meeting someone with the same name, and they unexpectedly give you the advice you need.

Here is a tip to help you define your library:

  1. Consider where you feel most at peace: Is it a park? A particular room? Watching favourite programme on TV? Source will often use what is familiar to you. If you see the same bird when you’re worried, think about what that could mean. Is it Source telling you there is no need to worry or letting you know your guides are with you?
Expanding your Collection

Attuning yourself to these messages hinges on being present and attentive. It’s about granting yourself the space to heed whispers and spot synchronicities. Whilst I do believe meditation is important, a formal practice is not necessary to expand your inner knowledge. I’ve found that messages can strike during a morning walk or randomly when I’m in my local supermarket. Make a note of these moments and what they mean for you, and use them to validate your initial impressions—they often hold truth. Here’s how you can expand your awareness: 

  1. Ask Source or your guides a question, and ask them to answer in a way that is meaningful to you.
  2. Tell your team spirit team that you are actively working on building your connection with them, and ask them to give you signs you can recognise.
  3. Release any preconceived ideas about what the signs will look like; be open and willing.

Your library covers all areas of your life: career, love, finance, spirituality, relationships, and more. Keep a notebook handy; jot down these messages and their interpretations. Embrace simplicity; your first instincts are often accurate.

Ask Source for help; if you can understand each other better, it makes everyone’s life easier.

Trusting your Inner Guidance

We are constantly bombarded with information, and knowing what and who to trust is now more important than ever. Amidst this barrage of information, discernment becomes paramount. Your spirit remains a steadfast guide. Reaffirm your connection with a daily mantra: 

“Source, thank you for continuing to help me build and strengthen our connection for my highest good.”

Sometimes, the urge to act on a feeling becomes persistent.

Trust these impulses; they may not make immediate sense (and often don’t), but the reasoning becomes clear a day, week or month later. I recall having an overwhelming urge to send my CV to an ex-manager (we disliked each other). After dragging my feet for a few days, I reluctantly sent it to him, only to be told a role had just become available and I would be a perfect fit – a lesson in trusting unseen guidance. I got the job, by the way! On that occasion, it was a feeling I had before, so I recognised that it was important for me to take action, even though I initially didn’t want to.

After a while, you will see patterns emerge; honestly, it’s wonderful to experience!

Evolving with your Library

Just as any library evolves, so does your soul’s library. As your awareness deepens and perspectives shift, your connection with Source matures. Embrace the changing nature of this relationship; pay attention to how your view of the world changes, as this will be reflected in your communications with Source.

I used to be petrified of dogs; I’d see one and run. I’ve lost count of the number of times the sound of an owner shouting “he’s only playing” was drowned out by my screaming and running at top speed. Now, I adore dogs and know that when they do approach me, it’s a sign that I need to let down my guard and let something in.

By fostering an understanding of your internal library, you pave the way for a profound connection with the Source, nurturing a pathway toward alignment and fulfilment.


In cultivating our library, we embark on a journey of connection and resonance with the Universe. This intimate dialogue, shaped by our experiences and perceptions, serves as the conduit through which the Source communicates with us. By honing our ability to decipher these messages, we unveil a profound synergy with the divine.

So go ahead and ask Source to teach you its language!