Whispers in the Night: Embracing Otherworldly Encounters
The alarm clock tells me it’s 2.21 am, although the tiredness that continues to permeate my body already tells me I have a few hours to sleep.
I feel a presence in my room.
It’s a familiar feeling.
If I look in the corner, will I see my number 1 Guide? The old lady who used to stand by my bed? Or a face in the wall?
“Hello?” I call into the darkness, not expecting a response. Turning away from the clock, I close my eyes and drift off.
A child’s voice rouses me from my sleep.
“Can she hear us?” she asks her companions.
“Can you hear me?” she asks as her friends play noisily in the background.
The above reads like a beginning of a horror movie or a ghost/human detective story, but if you’re a Medium, this scene will probably be familiar to you. Being woken by a spirit in your room, or them calling your name or jumping on your bed (the latter has happened several times).
I went through a phase where a group of children would laugh and play in my room (not in a Freddy Krugger way). I had no idea who they were, but as they were happy, I left them alone. Although on one occasion, I was exhausted, so I asked my Guide if he could remove them, and he did. I felt guilty.
I’ve woken up to spirits sitting on or standing beside my bed. On a few helpful occasions, my grandmother had shaken me awake (I had slept through my alarm and really needed to get out of bed).
During the day, my brain works overtime between constant overthinking and external stimulation. Outside of meditation, I don’t often allow my brain to just be. I’m working on seeking more silence outside of meditation.
At night, several things happen either I move into vibrational alignment with the other worlds, and our space combines, or they like my home and enjoy just hanging out in my space.
These nighttime visits aren’t reserved for my home; here are a few other places they come to visit me:
Aeroplanes: I’d frequently hear my mother my name as I’d take mid-flight naps; I’d wake up responding “Yes”, much to the confusion of my seat buddy.
Hotels: Strangely enough, I mostly see orbs at night instead of people. I like to think that my Guides have a chat with the spirits first to say, “Look, she needs her sleep; this is a short trip, so orbs only. Anything else needs to go through us.”
Buses: No, not the local bus to Central London. When travelling across South America, I’d sometimes travel overnight on the local buses, especially if crossing a border. The spirits were native to the country and would come in thick and fast.
These experiences don’t scare me because I am used to them. There have been a few occasions where energies have visited me I’d prefer not to interact with, but when this happens, I recite the Lord’s Prayer and call in all the angels and Guides. Side note: I can only remember the first two lines of the Prayer when awake, but asleep, I can recite it as perfectly as “All That Jazz” from Chicago.
Putting things into perspective
A friend once said, “Nothing good will ever keep you awake”. And I have to disagree. Surely, when we are sleeping, we are at our most vulnerable, and if something wants to harm us, during sleep would be the best time… not at that I’m advocating for them!
As I said above, they come through when we are most relaxed, and sleep happens to be that for some people anyway.
These nighttime visits help me put things into perspective. I remember after one of my regular nighttime encounters, I was at work, responding to a particularly nasty email; with each word, I could feel my anger growing, and then I stopped and had to remind myself that a few hours earlier, I had a group of spirits playing in my room. I laughed, deleted the email, and continued with my day.
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